29 January 2007: Going the Distance and the Physics of the Bicycle

First run in 1891 as a race designed to demonstrate the practicality of the bicycle, Paris Brest Paris has since become a four yearly event that attracts long distance cyclists from around the world. This year is a Paris Brest Paris year and Kieron Yates – this week standing in for Jack Thurston – talks to Richard Phipps of Audax UK, the British long distance cycling association, about preparing for the ride and what to expect should he make it to Paris.

Also on today’s show Kieron tries to discover just how it is that we stay upright on our bikes as we pootle off down the road. Physicist, Dr Helen Czerski, provides the answers, describes the ‘Einstein flip‘, and confirms the efficiency of the bicycle. Helen is a member of the NOISE network of scientists.

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