Amendment to Motion on Blackfriars Bridge

This amendment to a motion tabled by Jenny Jones and Caroline Pigeon has been unanimously agreed by the London Assembly:

“This Assembly notes the decision to revert to a 30 mph speed limit on Blackfriars Bridge. We also note the recent decision of the Corporation of London to consider plans for the whole of the City of London to become a 20mph zone, and understand that if they take this decision they would be likely to ask Transport for London to agree to make TfL roads 20mph. This Assembly asks that the Mayor instructs TfL to implement a full review investigating the practicalities, advantages and disadvantages of a 20mph limit on Blackfriars Bridge.

The review should include previous TfL reports, such as that on 20mph speed limit on London’s Thames bridges and also the effect of such a change on all road users (including pedestrians) north, south or on the bridge itself.

Meanwhile, TfL should keep under review the decision to revert to a 30 mph speed limit on Blackfriars Bridge. We also urge the Mayor to revisit the plans for the bridge with particular attention to cyclists making right turns when exiting the bridge at either end.”

The original motion read as follows:

“This Assembly regrets the Mayor’s failure to retain the temporary 20mph speed limit on Blackfriars Bridge in the permanent new scheme for the bridge.

We note the recommendation for a 20 mph speed limit on four London bridges in a 2008 Transport for London report, and the recent decision of the Corporation of London to ask officers to bring forward plans for the whole of the City of London to become a 20mph zone, including TfL roads.

We ask the Mayor to reconsider his rejection of a 20mph limit on Blackfriars Bridge, in the interests of the safety of all its users.”

Hat tip: James Hatts


Here’s the audio record of the debate, definitely worth a listen. Lots of nuance among the various contributions:

London Assembly debate on 20mph speed limit for Blackfriars Bridge by jackthur