Thanks to everyone who’s visited the blog, listened to the shows and posted comments. Your interest and feedback is always appreciated.
And should you wish to take the step from being a Bike Show listener to a Bike Show programme-maker, the door is wide open. We’ll be back on air from 12 June!
Resonance FM (the award-winning London radio station that broadcasts the show) is a non-profit station, and I am – like every single other Resonance programme-maker – entirely unpaid for my work. The Bike Show is just something I manage to fit in around other, non-bicycle, non-radio work. …which might explain why it’s a bit rough around the edges.
So if you’ve got a passion for the bicycle and like the idea of making radio, then drop me a line. If you’re in the London area I can lend any gear you might need and advise on technique – even if you’ve never touched a microphone before. New perspectives and different personalities can only enrich the mix and several listeners have already made fantastic features for the show.
So go on…you know you want to.