Cycling questions and answers from the Mayor of London: Oct 09

Here are the cycling-related questions from the London Assembly answered by the Mayor this month. The questions cover a wide range of subjects, from lorries killing cyclists (including a question specifically about the Vallance Road/Whitechapel Road junction) to the new cycle superhighways, the London cycle hire scheme and much more.

I’ll be publishing the digest, kindly provided by the GLA, regularly. It’d be great if listeners to the show and readers of the blog would help crowdsource some analysis, give reactions etc in the comments. If there are other questions or follow-up questions that you think should be asked, post them too and I’ll do my best to persuade an Assembly Member to ask them.

*Cycle funding*
*Question No: 2689 / 2009*
Jenny Jones:
Based upon your answers to my questions 2174, 2169 and 929 would you agree that you have no mechanism for guaranteeing the delivery of cycling hubs in outer London, or guaranteeing that all year 6 school children who want cycle training will get it, or even knowing how much boroughs have spent on cycling at the end of the financial year?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
The new LIP funding regime for the London boroughs is based on informing the boroughs of the funding available following which the boroughs will develop a programme of work to match the budget. This is a much moreefficient mechanism for allocating these funds and has been welcomed by the boroughs. It gives boroughs more flexibility to spend their allocations on local priorities as long as these are aligned to theMayor’s priorities and Transport Strategy. Our discussions with theboroughs to date on cycle hubs and cycle training indicate that they arekeen to work on these initiatives.
Note that the requirements for the second round of Local ImplementationPlans have been issued for consultation and include a requirement toproduce an annual report setting out what interventions have beencompleted in each borough in the past year. This will include a list ofany new cycling infrastructure and the number of children who attendedcycle training lessons.

*Question No: 2687 / 2009*
Jenny Jones
Will you ask your new director of the Public Carriage Office to reviewthe policy whereby members of the public are unable to make complaintsagainst the behaviour and driving standards of black cab drivers unlessthey are either paying passengers, or have a criminal complaint whichthey take to the police?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
TfL’s Taxi and Private Hire Directorate always accepts complaints about the behaviour of taxi and private hire vehicle drivers from any member of the public, whether they are using the taxi or private hire vehicle or not. However it can sometimes be difficult to pursue complaints whenthere has been no breach of regulations or when it is a minor drivingmatter that it is not in the public interest for the police toprosecute. Nevertheless, a review of the complaints policy and how it isapplied forms part of the general examination initiated by John Mason,the new Director for Taxi and Private Hire, of driver licensing servicesand is scheduled to be completed by the end of the year.

*Cycle funding*
*Question No: 2689 / 2009*
Jenny Jones
Based upon your answers to my questions 2174, 2169 and 929 would youagree that you have no mechanism for guaranteeing the delivery ofcycling hubs in outer London, or guaranteeing that all year 6 schoolchildren who want cycle training will get it, or even knowing how muchboroughs have spent on cycling at the end of the financial year?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
The new LIP funding regime for the London boroughs is based on informingthe boroughs of the funding available following which the boroughs willdevelop a programme of work to match the budget. This is a much moreefficient mechanism for allocating these funds and has been welcomed bythe boroughs. It gives boroughs more flexibility to spend theirallocations on local priorities as long as these are aligned to theMayor’s priorities and Transport Strategy. Our discussions with theboroughs to date on cycle hubs and cycle training indicate that they arekeen to work on these initiatives.
Note that the requirements for the second round of Local ImplementationPlans have been issued for consultation and include a requirement toproduce an annual report setting out what interventions have beencompleted in each borough in the past year. This will include a list ofany new cycling infrastructure and the number of children who attendedcycle training lessons.

*Question No: 2690 / 2009*
Jenny Jones
Can you provide any analysis that Transport for London has preparedgiving the cost effectiveness of various initiatives in generating newcyclists, or increasing the number of trips made by existing ones?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
A number of TfL cycling initiatives, projects and programmes have beenindividually evaluated to assess their impact on and contribution toencouraging new cyclists and/or increasing the number of trips made byexisting ones. For example, the school cycle parking programme hasachieved an average increase in school cycling of 38%. The SmarterTravel Sutton initiative and complementary investment in cycle parkingand cycle training achieved an 85% increase in cycling in its first two years.
While to date there has not been a systematic analysis or attempt toquantify and distinguish the contribution of specific measures orinitiatives to encourage new adult cyclists or increasing trips byexisting cyclists (of any age), there has been a recorded 107% increasein cycle flows on London’s main roads since 2000. Future monitoring ofnew schemes, such as Cycle Superhighways, will throw light on this issue.*

*Cycling (2)*
*Question No: 2691 / 2009*
Jenny Jones
What is the estimated cost of the cycle hire scheme per cycle trip? How does this compare to the estimated £1,200 it costs to encourage a potential new, low income cyclist onto the road by providing them withdirect support services, including the provision of on-road confidencetraining, waterproof clothing and other equipment, home parking, maintenance training etc. with check up/support and advice visits overthree years?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
The projected cost to TfL, taking into account implementation and operating costs, is forecast at £0.71 pence per cycle hire trip. Tripcosts are based on the current contract for the operation of the scheme which would expire in 2017/18. This aligns with the current TfL business planning period. The costs and revenues are at current prices and exclude cycle hire project contingency sum.
It is not possible to make a direct comparison between the cost percycle hire trip and the stated cost of encouraging a new cyclist. This is because it is unclear how many trips the new cyclist will make.

*Superhighways (1)*
*Question No: 2692 / 2009*
Jenny Jones
Will you guarantee that all the necessary safety improvements identifiedon the first two cycle superhighways, including facilities included inplans for the LCN+, will be completed in time for the opening?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
Proposals for each route, including safety measures, have beenidentified in consultation with the relevant boroughs. The route reviewprocess, completed in July 2009, incorporated recommendations fromprevious LCN+ studies and has generated an end to end solution for eachSuperhighway.I am determined to introduce the first two trial Cycle Superhighways bySummer 2010. Where very substantial engineering work or costly and timeconsuming land acquisition have been highlighted as a potential solutionto address individual barriers to cyclists, alternatives have beenidentified.I also wish to introduce innovative measures to improve safety forcyclists such as trialling convex mirrors at traffic lights to helpdrivers of large vehicles to see along the length of their vehicle whenturning left.*

*Superhighways (2)*
*Question No: 2693 / 2009*
Jenny Jones
Can you provide a list of all the proposed LCN+ changes which coincide with the proposed superhighways routes?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
For the pilot routes, the route assessments of each Cycle Superhighway included consideration of other planned schemes in Local Implementation Plan (LIP) and Transport for London Road Network (TLRN) programmes, including LCN+. Where these schemes are currently unfunded butachievable within the Cycle Superhighways budget, they will be taken forward as part of the pilot routes’ implementation. Equally, where schemes in existing programmes are funded and moving forward, they maybe modified to meet Cycle Superhighway requirements.
The alignment of the remaining Cycle Superhighway routes is to beconfirmed following further consultation with highway authorities andother stakeholders.

*Superhighways (3)*
*Question No: 2694 / 2009*
Jenny Jones
Can you provide a breakdown of the number of serious injuries andfatalities for cycling casualties on each of the Superhighway routesover the latest available three year period?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
Based on the current definition of the Cycle Superhighways and notincluding where the routes leave the public highway (through parks etc.)the following number of cyclist were killed or seriously injured:**
2008 = 8
2007 = 4
2006 = 5***
2008 = 84
2007 = 77
2006 = 66

*Cycling safety plan*
*Question No: 2695 / 2009*
Jenny Jones
Do you agree that a cycling safety plan which does not include policeenforcement activity, or the use of 20mph speed limits, is inadequate?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
Improving cyclists’ safety is one of my key priorities and to this end Ihave asked Transport for London to draft a Cycle Safety Action Plan andto work with a broad range of stakeholders to better understand theproblems and do whatever we can to make real and lasting improvements tocyclists’ safety, including considering enforcement activity.
Area-wide speed reduction measures, including 20mph speed limits, may be effective in improving safety not just for cyclists but for a wide range of users both in terms of reducing the likelihood of collisions and theseverity of any resulting injuries. The implementation of 20mph zones will mainly be a matter for the Boroughs. Under the new arrangements forLIPs funding, they will have greater discretion over how to use the LIPsfunding to deliver London-wide priorities in a local context.

*Cycling safety*
*Question No: 2696 / 2009*
Jenny Jones
Will you congratulate the people responsible for applying Department for Transport guidance on cyclists and road works, with the introduction of a temporary Mayoral cycle path on Tooley Street? Have there been anyother examples of this guidance being applied in London during the last few years and will you tell Transport for London to universally apply asan interim measures, whilst drawing up their own version?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
Thank you for your feedback, which TfL has noted.
When assessing proposals for highway works, TfL considers cyclists’needs very carefully and as a matter of course. TfL requests changes to works proposals where these would add benefit to users. Recent examples relate to utility works, for example, TfL is requesting that Southern Gas Networks provide a separated and shorter diversion route forcyclists at their gas works on Upper Richmond Road, once emergency worksto repair a sewer connection by Keswick Road have been completed.

*HGVs and safety*
*Question No: 2697 / 2009*
Jenny Jones
Could you confirm the number of HGVs stopped by police in London for each year since 2000, the proportion that were found to be driving illegally, any breakdown of offences and the proportion that were stopped by specialist traffic police? How will your future policing priorities ensure that there are additional specialist police availableto monitor increased HGV flows that are likely with major construction projects such as Crossrail, Thameslink and the Olympics?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
The MPS did not, until 2008, keep a record of the number of HGVs that were stopped. Below I have set out the available information requested:
_Number of HGVs stopped per year since 2000_
In 2008/09 3,000 vehicles were stopped (all types including lightweight vans). Of these 1329 were ‘trucks’ over 7.5 tonnes.
_Proportion found to be driving illegally_
Offences were found in an average 80% of these vehicles. It should be noted that these are experienced officers adept at spotting defects and this is unlikely to be a representative percentage of offences in all commercial vehicles using London’s roads.
_Proportion stopped by specialist traffic police_ -** See above__
_Breakdown of offences_
Approximately 36% of offences relate to Tachographs (mainly driver’s hours) and 10% relate to mechanical defects. Other offences relate to overweight or insecure loads, mobile phone, operator licence, driving licence and insurance offences.__
_Future policing of HGV traffic in light of major construction projects___
The MPS recognises that current and future construction projects in London bring a threat of increased collisions involving Large Goods Vehicles (LGVs). In the last 18 months additional enforcement has been dedicated predominantly in East London, and will continue with this focus whilst the high risk remains and will be reviewed as other large construction projects start on site. Enforcement around the periphery of the Olympic site has been ongoing since March 2008, through operations led by the combined Commercial Vehicle Unit (CVU) and Commercial Vehicle Education Unit (CVEU). In addition to enforcement the CVU continues to offer specialist advice and support to fleet operators at the site and the Olympic security team. This engagement with freight operators using the site, and also with the Vehicle and Operators Services Agency (VOSA), victim groups and cycling campaign groups has contributed to fewer fatal collisions involving LGVs in east London against a backdrop of the substantial increase in the number of heavy vehicle movements.
Although the TfL funding for the CVEU ends on 31 March 2010, the industry-led Freight Operators Recognition Scheme (FORS) has indicated to the MPS that it hopes to continue all the educational and administrative functions previously carried out by the police.
Traffic OCU is undertaking a review of all of its functions and staff including how to manage commercial vehicle enforcement in the future.

*Whitechapel Road and Vallance Road junction*
*Question No: 2698 / 2009*
Jenny Jones
What urgent action are you taking to redesign the junction at Whitechapel Road and Vallance Road to make it safe for cyclists?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
Following an analysis of the collision history at this site, a scheme design has been prepared. The key feature of the design is the moving over of New Road to the east to improve the overall junction alignment. However this would involve the relocation of a large amount of statutory undertakers’ equipment and the cost estimate exceeds £1m. Consideration is therefore being given to alternative designs that can be delivered at lower cost whilst still delivering a safety benefit.
Police inquiries into the recent tragic fatality are continuing but the current view is the design or physical condition of the junction was not a contributory factor. However discussions involving the police have identified some defects and work is in hand to address these.

*Road safety*
*Question No: 2700 / 2009*
Jenny Jones
In the recent tragic case of a police driver killing Sandra Simpson, the investigators were able to use evidence from the vehicle’s incident data recorder to ascertain that he was driving at 50mph in a 30mph at the time of the collision and up to 100mph prior to it. Incident data recorders are now readily available either as factory fitted or can be retro fitted. Will the Mayor consider the fitting of these devices to all vehicles under his jurisdiction?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
I do not currently have any plans to require the fitting of incident data recorders to vehicles under my jurisdiction.
These recorders are a relatively expensive road safety measure, so TfL would need to carefully consider this cost and the degree of risk posed by vehicles under my jurisdiction before considering an implementation programme.
However, the MPS fit incident data recorders into all MPS owned vehicles (except motorcycles). This includes both marked and unmarked vehicles used by both police officers and support staff, irrespective of the role of the vehicle. All incident data recorders are retro fitted as part of the police vehicle build.
LFEPA has also agreed a project with its vehicle provider to fit data recorders to all frontline pumping appliances. The project is in its early stages and timescales have yet to be confirmed.
The GLA and LDA do not own any vehicles.

*Road safety*
*Question No: 2701 / 2009*
Jenny Jones
Will you ask Transport for London to investigate the introduction of a 20mph limit on the one way system around Kings Cross?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
I understand that whilst it is Islington’s position to promote the introduction of 20mph speed limits – they do not generally support extending this to principal roads such as the Transport for London Road Network (TLRN) and routes such as Caledonian Road.
However, TfL has not ruled out a 20mph speed limit on the TLRN in this area. It has recently been discussing speed issues in depth with Borough officers, including the possibility of introducing time-distance enforcement and will also ensure that further discussions take place regarding the possibility of a 20mph speed limit.

*Cycling Superhighways*
*Question No: 2713 / 2009*
Valerie Shawcross
Will road space be allocated to the cyclist from motorised traffic on your planned cycling Superhighways?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
Cycle Superhighways will be designed to minimise impacts on other road users, while ensuring the provision of safe and continuous routes for cyclists. The aim of the scheme is to increase the number of cyclists on London’s roads without adversely affecting traffic flows or traffic and bus journey times.
TfL will closely monitor the Cycle Superhighways, and will collect data on journey times, traffic flows and speeds. This data will be used to assess the impact of the Cycle Superhighways and identify any changes that need to be made as part of the roll out.

*Women’s Cycling*
*Question No: 2714 / 2009*
Valerie Shawcross
A recent survey by Sustrans found that safety is the biggest issue stopping women from cycling more. Over two thirds of women – including women who cycle regularly – believe that cycle lanes separate from traffic would enable them and other women to cycle more. Given that half as many cycle journeys in London are made by women than men, do you recognise that more cycling facilities separated from motor vehicles are needed, particularly by major roads?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
TfL is addressing the needs of all cyclists, including women, as part of a package of measures. Recent escorted rides on Fridays have been particularly popular amongst women.
One of the major initiatives in the cycling programme, the Cycle Superhighways, will strive to ensure the provision of safe and continuous routes for cyclists. Education and awareness for a variety of road users, including heavy goods vehicle operators and drivers, will be another feature of the initiative.
One of the greatest contributions to safety is achieved by creating a mass of people cycling – it encourages others to cycle and makes other road users more aware of people cycling. The initiatives of the Cycling Revolution, including the Cycle Superhighways, will create this mass of pedal power, improving safety and having the further effect of providing better conditions for all cyclists, including women.

*Project Costs*
*Question No: 2729 / 2009*
Valerie Shawcross
Please publish the known costs/anticipated costs & projected financial impacts for the following projects and TfL actions for the each financial year 2008-2012. If you have incomplete information please publish what information you do have available.
· Removal of the Western Extension of the Congestion Charge Zone?
· The planning and implementation and net running costs of the Velib scheme?
· The planning and installation of the Cycling Superhighways?
· The programme to remove the Bendy buses from service?
· The programme to design, develop and build a new Routemaster?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
_Removal of WEZ_
Initial costs including legal costs, public information, and physical works to remove the scheme – amount to around £5m. Ongoing reductions in net income amount to some £70m per year from a projected average net income of £145-175m per year.
_Cycle hire_
The projected cost to TfL of implementing and operating the cycle hire scheme for the financial years 2008/9 to 2012/13 is as follows:
2008/9 £0.9M
2009/10 £48.6M
2010/11 £46.6M
2011/12 £10.1M
2012/13 £8.1M
Total £114.3M
_Cycle Superhighways (anticipated costs £M’s):_
2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12
*7.7 * * 30.5 * *
16.6 * * 32.7*
_Phasing out articulated buses_
The anticipated cost of removing articulated buses is as follows:
Financial Year 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14
Conversion (£m) 1.5 3.0 8.1 13.6 12.1
Additional Revenue -0.3 -0.8 -2.9 -4.7 -4.7
*Total 1.2 2.2 5.2 8.9 7.4
_New bus for London_
The TfL Business Plan anticipates £1.0m being spent in 2009/10, £1.1m being spent in 2010/11 and £1.2m in 2011/12 for designing and prototyping the New Bus for London. The actual build costs are not known at this time and will be the subject of negotiations. As the manufacturer’s development costs would normally be amortised over the production life of the bus, TfL envisages the cost being in line with other buses purchased as part of normal fleet replacement.

*Cycle Parking (1)*
*Question No: 2752 / 2009*
Joanne McCartney
What is the capacity of cycle parking at London Overground stations? What is being done to improve capacity?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
TfL London Overground has undertaken a full study of the existing provision and demand for cycle parking at their stations and the scope for improvement. This will conclude later this year and I would be happy to provide this information to you when it becomes available. TfL is committed to a programme of cycle parking improvements at London Overground stations, and the first six stations will be implemented by London Overground this year (2009/10).**

*Cycle Parking (2)*
*Question No: 2753 / 2009*
Joanne McCartney
How much of the government’s much welcome £14M for improved cycle parking at stations has been awarded to London and where will it be spent? Will you ensure that this money also goes to improve cycle parking security which is often poor?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
The Government’s welcome £14m for cycle parking at stations is made up of £4m from Cycling England/Association of Train Operating Companies (ATOC) as part of their ‘cycling demonstration stations’ initiative and £10m from the Department for Transport. TfL has been directly involved in evaluating bids from Train Operating Companies for the ATOC funding. SouthWestTrains, a key London commuter operator, was one of the successful bidders. Part of their award will be used to improve capacity and security at London stations including creating and managing a secure, access controlled, cycle park at Surbiton station. The DfT announcement states that the remaining £10m will be allocated on the following basis:
1) £5m for fully supervised “cycle hubs”, offering a range of facilities for cyclists including secure covered parking, cycle hire, information, retail and repair at 10 stations. In London, St Pancras, Victoria and Waterloo stations will benefit from this investment over the next two years.
2) £3m for over 4500 additional cycle park spaces at nearly 350 stations across the country. The precise details of how this funding will be allocated are not yet clear, but London stations are likely to benefit from this investment, including both Network Rail and TOC-managed stations. TfL will engage with Network Rail in relation to the allocation of cycle parking investment.
3) £2m which will improve cycle access at rail stations to ensure that bike users can get to and from the station conveniently and safely, and to improve cycle facilities across the rail network as opportunities are identified. Again, TfL will engage with Network Rail on the allocation of this funding.

*Greenwich and Woolwich Foot tunnels *
*Question No: 2810 / 2009*
John Biggs
In your response, dated 24 August, to my letter enquiring whether you would consider allowing bicycles to travel on the DLR during the tunnel closures, you imply that this course of action would be virtually impossible due to health and safety considerations. However, a few days later you informed Greenwich Council that a relaxation of the DLR’s bicycle policy was ‘under consideration’. Would you agree that you are merely stalling time by feigning to Greenwich Council that you are looking into allowing bicycles on the DLR, when you have already effectively dismissed this idea? If not, what other interpretation can be placed on this deceit?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
DLR does from time to time review the policy on carrying full size bikes but there have not been significant differences in the factors concerned and indeed the system has been getting busier which tends to re-inforce the position. Modifying the system/vehicles specifically to allow bikes would involve extensive work and is unlikely to be practical or cost effective.
As previously stated, the closures of the tunnels are not envisaged to be extensive.

*Greenwich and Woolwich Foot tunnels 3*
*Question No: 2812 / 2009*
John Biggs
Following your meeting with the leader of the Greenwich Council and his negotiations with Thames Clippers to discuss alternative river crossing arrangements during the tunnel closures, do you have any tangible outcomes yet?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
Greenwich Council has discussed with Thames Clippers and others the logistics and practicalities of carrying foot tunnel users and their bicycles by ferry. Alternative crossing arrangements will be finalised by the council when the tunnel contractor’s programme has been agreed.

*Whitechapel Road / Vallence Road cyclist blackspot *
*Question No: 2815 / 2009*
John Biggs
Following the death of a cyclist at the junction of Whitechapel road and Vallance road in Tower Hamlets last week and the petition to make safer this cyclist blackspot, do you intend to take any action, especially given your devotion to making London bicycle friendly?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
Following an analysis of the collision history at this site, a scheme design has been prepared for this junction. The key feature of the design is the moving over of New Road to the east to improve the overall junction alignment. However this would involve the relocation of a large amount of statutory undertakers___’_ equipment and the cost estimate exceeds £1m. Consideration is therefore being given to alternative designs that can be delivered at lower cost whilst still delivering a safety benefit.
Police inquiries into the recent tragic fatality are continuing but the current view is the design or physical condition of the junction was not a contributory factor. However discussions involving the police have identified some defects and work is in hand to address these.

*TfL short video for HGV drivers and cyclists*
*Question No: 2816 / 2009*
John Biggs
How successful has TfL been in disseminating this educational video to companies that operate HGVs? Would you consider supporting an initiative that made the showing of this short video to all HGV drivers in London obligatory?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
I do not have the powers to make the showing of the video to HGV drivers obligatory.
The video is however a fundamental educational tool and it is playing a key role. Specifically designed to raise awareness of the dangers both HGV drivers and cyclists face, it was launched on-line on 15 July.
There have already been 28,000 visitors to the relevant Cycling safety page (_
Also, TfL’s Freight Operator Recogniton Scheme (FORS) programme itself is key to educating HGV drivers and operators of the importance of safety as it provides members with practical ways to promote road safety and reduce HGV & cyclist collision, amongst other initiatives.

*Cyclist behaviour*
*Question No: 2817 / 2009*
John Biggs
Do you believe that some cyclists behave in a way that can jeopardise the safety of other road users and pedestrians? What measures have you taken to promote good cycling practice amongst existing cyclists? I refer to cyclists complying with the highway code as opposed to cyclists knowing how to protect themselves from HGVs, for example.
*Answer from the Mayor:*
I believe that all road users have a responsibility to behave in a way that ensures both their own safety and those of other road users.
Strategically TfL is leading on the ‘share the road’ campaign and investing over £3.1m in cycle training – which is delivered locally and includes encouragement of considerate cycling practice as well as development of a range of supporting materials and activities. TfL also supports the City of London Police who have run a very successful cyclist education campaign – Operation Atrium – using their powers to issue Fixed Penalty Notices to errant cyclists.
There has also been work with cyclists to raise awareness of how to keep safe when sharing the road with HGVs and how to lessen the risk of bike theft as well as cracking down on unlawful cycling and driving, unsafe vehicles and obstructive cycle parking. This activity has been well received by cyclists – and shows the value of a balanced and co-ordinated approach in which enforcement plays a part.

*Cyclist behaviour 2*
*Question No: 2818 / 2009*
John Biggs
What initiatives could be taken, particularly by a cycling evangelist such as yourself, to promote sensible cycling and to deter confident cyclists, who have travelled by bike for a number of years, from behaving irresponsibly on the roads?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
I give a lead in terms of messages and publicity to a wide range of road safety, respect and awareness raising initiatives delivered by TfL, the Boroughs, schools, business, cycling and pedestrian groups. For example we have recently run the ‘Cycling Fridays’ initiative where experienced cyclists lead commuter rides into Central London. This is another way of offering practical examples of responsible cycling.

*Weakening of commitment to Cycling super-highways*
*Question No: 2840 / 2009*
John Biggs
Will you sign or do you intend to sign the London Cycling Campaign’s manifesto detailing 10 demands for the planned cycle super-highways, which the campaign group worry will not live up to the standards you originally promised? Is the route Tower Gateway to Barking still on track to be delivered by May 2010?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
I do not intend to sign the London Cycling Campaign’s manifesto. The creation of the Cycle Superhighways will give a huge boost to cycling in London, creating 12 safe, direct, continuous, comfortable and easy to follow ways of getting from outer to inner London. TfL will continue to engage with a wide range of stakeholders on design aspects of the Superhighways, and will take their views into account.
The Barking to Tower Gateway route is on schedule for delivery in Summer 2010. TfL will continue to engage with a wide range of stakeholders on design aspects of the Superhighways.

*Central London Cycle parking*
*Question No: 2856 / 2009*
John Biggs
In your answer to question 2520/2009, you informed that you had requested TfL to work with the Central London boroughs and others to find cost effective ways to provide more cycle parking both on and off the public highway. What is your target number of cycle parking spaces and will you oblige each borough to install a minimum amount of these? What will be your course of action if the boroughs fail to comply?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
I have made a manifesto commitment to provide 66,000 cycle parking spaces by 2012 and many of these will be on Borough roads or on land or in buildings that are not Transport for London owned or managed. This requires a contribution from a number of TfL work streams and delivery mechanisms. The boroughs together will need to provide between 10,000 and 15,000 cycle parking spaces each year and this will be an important element of my ‘Biking Boroughs’ initiative.
I have found that the best way to achieve such objectives is through sharing of good practice, strategic planning and collaborative working between TfL, London boroughs and other agencies. Many changes and improvements have become commonplace once there is tangible example of the benefits for a neighbouring borough or community.

*Cycling Facilities*
*Question No: 2880 / 2009*
Murad Qureshi
Lord Adonis has committed £14 million to improve cycling facilities at railway stations in London. What are you doing for stations other than Waterloo, Victoria and St Pancras?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
The £14million you quote is for improvements to cycle facilities throughout the UK, not just in London. TfL has been working with London train operating companies and Network Rail and others (boroughs, regional partnerships, private sector) for a number of years and investing c.£1m a year to improve cycling facilities at railway stations. This includes introduction in the last 12 months ofsignificant (and well received) ‘quick win’ improvements – for example double deck cycle parking and improved security at Euston, Liverpool Street and London Bridge stations. TfL has also contributed £200k to ensure that all London stations within the new Southern franchise have cycle parking facilities to a basic London standard by 2011 and a programme is now underway to introduce improvements at all London Overground stations.
TfL also plan that at all 60 Tube stations with London Underground-managed car parks, between one and three vehicle parking spaces will be converted to secure cycle parking by 2012. This would deliver between eight and 24 cycle parking spaces at each affected station. A full programme will be published by the end of this year.

*Cycle Friday [1]*
*Question No: 2999 / 2009*
Caroline Pidgeon
On each of the ‘Cycle Friday ‘ events that you launched on 7 August,starting on Friday 14 August and continuing until Friday 2 October, howmany people, (excluding the Mayor, TfL staff, press officers, marshals,and journalists) left each of the following start points on each eventday: Brixton, Finsbury Park, Greenwich, Mile End, Ravenscourt Park,Swiss Cottage ? Please publish a table.
*Answer from the Mayor:*
I am pleased to confirm that well over four hundred cyclists registeredfor the Cycle Friday events that ran towards the end of the Summer ofCycling. These rides were led by trained volunteers from the LondonCycling Campaign and were not intended to be nor marketed asmass-participation events.
14-Aug 21-Aug 28-Aug 04-Sep 11-Sep 18-Sep 25-Sep 02-Oct
Greenwich 17 15 10 7 9 12 7 8
Swiss Cottage 9 11 5 9 3 6 14
3 60
Ravenscourt Park 8 13 13 11 4 3
5 7 64
Mile End 8 11 6 2 6 5 6
7 51
Brixton 22 22 7 12 3 11 6 10
Finsbury Park 10 14 7 9 11 6 7
9 73
origin not specified 8 2

*Cycle Friday [2]*
*Question No: 3000 / 2009*
Caroline Pidgeon
Please itemise the methods used to promote public awareness of your ‘Cycle Friday’ events and to encourage participation from the start until the finish.
*Answer from the Mayor:*
The measures below used to publicise and promote the ‘Cycle Friday’ events before and after launch:
_Pre -launch and launch_
· Mayoral launch followed by publicity delivering significant coverage in London Press including television and radio coverage,
· Website posting of key information on all led rides,
· Posters in London Underground stations (390 sites),
· E-mails to targeted customers from TfL database prior to launch and e-mails from the London Cycling Campaign to contacts,
· Face-to-Face marketing – distributing leaflets to commuters on Wednesday prior to rides at the six Underground stations corresponding to the starting points,
· Advertisements in the London Metro newspaper,
· ‘Cycle Friday’ branded bibs worn by all ride marshals.
· Case studies of participants in local and key London press over the following weeks,
· Present the Jersey competition – ride participants in the draw to win the chance to present a winning jersey at the Tour of Britain
· Website – homepage slot retained for duration of Cycle Fridays with the addition of a rides photo gallery and integration with Google maps,
· E-mails – original message followed up with two subsequent e-mails and inclusion in the London Loop e-zine to Oyster database members,
· Face to Face marketing – continued to distribute 2,400 leaflets each Wednesday at 6 Underground stations; leaflets also distributed to interested commuters at starting points on Friday mornings prior to the rides leaving, leaflets distributed at 170 bike shops and at events (e.g. Tour of Britain and Skyride),
· Advertising – advertisement ran weekly in the Metro for duration of Cycle Fridays.

*Cycle Friday [3]*
*Question No: 3001 / 2009*
Caroline Pidgeon
What was the total cost of putting on your ‘Cycle Friday’ events?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
While the final bill for Cycle Fridays has yet to come in it is unlikely to top £30k.

*Cycle Friday [4] *
*Question No: 3002 / 2009*
Caroline Pidgeon
How many participants were entered in the draw advertised in TfL’s PN 263 Press Release on 15 September because they took part in the Cycle Friday ride on 18 September?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
Forty-three participants were entered into the draw and the winner was selected by random out of a hat.

*One-way gyratory systems*
*Question No: 3009 / 2009*
Caroline Pidgeon
Do you agree that London’s out-of-date one-way systems are making life a misery for residents, pedestrians and cyclists, and lead to stop-start traffic? Following the successful removal of gyratories at Shoreditch and Aldgate, will the Mayor set out plans for the rest of London’s one-way systems?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
I recognise that gyratory systems, which were typically constructed in the 1960’s, often have left a difficult legacy for many groups. Schemes to radically change gyratories, such as those mentioned, present enormous technical challenges and are often very expensive to realise. In many cases, the large financial cost of removing gyratories, given the limited funding available to TfL, would mean that removal could only be funded through section 106 agreements with developers. The changes at Aldgate for example were only made possible through developer funding. TfL continues to explore every opportunity for involving developers in regeneration projects of this kind.

*Area-wide 20 mph limits*
*Question No: 3010 / 2009*
Caroline Pidgeon
Following the success of area-wide or even city-wide 20mph limits across England, does the Mayor agree that area-wide 20mph limits are more successful in creating a change of driving culture that benefits residents, pedestrians and cyclists because they make 20mph the norm rather than the exception?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
20mph zones are generally more suited to residential areas rather than the principal road network. Research shows that where 20mph zones have been implemented on residential roads in London Boroughs, the number of people injured has reduced. It also makes conditions safer for people walking and cycling – modes of transport that I support. However, as area-wide 20mph zones will be introduced on borough roads, this would largely be a matter for the boroughs to take forward.

*Skyride event*
*Question No: 3039 / 2009*
Caroline Pidgeon
You were happy at the recent Skyride event to “reclaim the streets” for cyclists. Will you now organise an event at which you reclaim the streets for pedestrian?
*Answer from the Mayor:*
The two Mayor of London Skyride events in Hounslow and central London were a fantastic success and were enjoyed by more then 75,000 people.
There are already a wide range of events for pedestrians, for example the annual Very Important Pedestrian Day in Oxford and Regent Streets organised by the New West End Company, and the Autumn Ambles and Winter Wanders guided walks organised by Walk London, both of which are supported by TfL. More details of walking events across London can be found on the TfL website.
Set alongside projects such as the three new Legible London pilot schemes, proposed pedestrian countdown trials, the delivery of diagonal crossings at Oxford Circus and schemes such as Exhibition Road I am confident that there will be much improvement for all those Londoner’s who choose to go by two feet over the coming year.