No Bike Week: 8-15 March

nobikeweekNo Bike Week will soon be upon us. It is an experiment in asceticism and an attempt to subvert the tired notions of government-sanctioned “Bike Weeks” that take place from time to time.

Here’s how it works. You – a regular cyclist – vow not to ride a bicycle, tricycle, unicycle or other pedal-powered mechanical contrivance from 23.59 on Sunday 8th March for seven full days and nights. You may ride again from 00.01 on Monday 16 March. During this period, which you might like to think of as a “bikefast”, you will keep a record of how you manage to get around, how you’re feeling, what’s going through your mind from one day to the next. Your expectations, frustrations, unexpected pleasures, unbearable torments…. whatever they may be. The best way to do this is using a voice memo function on a mobile phone, or other recording device. Failing that, a pen and paper will do. The results will be compiled into a No Bike Week feature on The Bike Show.

I am inviting all those taking part to be my guest for a Last Supper Carnival on Sunday evening, 8 March, somewhere in central London, quite possibly at my house. If you don’t live in London or even in the UK, you can still take part. We will find a way to connect with you. If you’d like to join the brave souls who have already agreed to take part, please get in touch by email