Earlier this evening I learned with great sadness that Sheldon Brown, the mighty, generous and wonderfully eccentric cyclist and repository of so much bicycle knowledge, has died. On behalf of everyone who helps to make The Bike Show, I extend our deepest sympathies to Sheldon’s family and friends.
Despite being a regular visitor to his encyclopedic website, I never had the pleasure of meeting the man, although he did twice appear on The Bike Show. Kieron Yates met and interviewed him for the show on the joys of fixed wheel touring and I made a rather primitive remix of Sheldon’s own homage to classic English three speed bicycles. Sheldon was usually quick on the uptake with new technologies and back in 2005 he made a few podcasts of his own.
In the fullness of time, The Bike Show will produce a proper tribute to Sheldon. If you want to your own memories and thoughts about the great man to be part of that show, then you can leave a video, audio or written tribute using the Comment link at the bottom of this post. It should work with any computer webcam/microphone and there is a preview available before you press ‘send’. Tell the listeners of The Bike Show what Sheldon meant to you and to your life on two wheels.
Image from John Prolly