As a result the interview with Bike Snob NYC that I had store for this week’s show will be broadcast next Monday. FM radio listeners were treated to a repeat of the second half of Alastair Humphrey’s epic round-the-world ride, featuring a detailed account of fixing punctures in the Siberian winter, at temperatures of minus 40 Celsius that is enough to make even the hardiest Mid-West winter cyclist shiver. Online listeners can refresh their memories over here.
Today’s show snowed out
Listeners to The Bike Show in Canada, Minnesota and Norway will no doubt be amused to hear that half a foot of snow is enough to bring London and the south east of England to a standstill. An overnight cycle tour in Kent and Sussex has turned into something more like a vacation as I’ve been stuck high up on the Weald, roads icy and impassable for bicycles (at least, my bicycle) and all trains canceled until further notice. This has kept me from my usual Monday evening appointment with the radio studio.